Divorce Counseling and Therapy
Getting a divorce is a hard process even if you are the one who initiates it. There are so many emotions that might come up throughout this process and they might vary at different stages and times. You may be feeling heavy with sorrow, anger, fear, guilt, shame, or maybe abandonment and betrayal. It can feel like confusion, or bring up a sense of freedom and excitement for new life possibilities.
Grief is a natural reaction to loss, and people who experience a breakup or divorce often go through a grieving process.
Divorce therapy can help you process the storm of emotions that you might be feeling, to learn more about you, identify patterns in your past and current relationships, and get tools and skills on your way for healing.
While divorce can be very painful and traumatic, it can also be an opportunity for growth and development. For building inner resilience and strength, learning how to trust yourself and feeling more empowered.
Divorce therapy can support you in:
Pre- divorce: making a decision, building skills and tolls for the next step
Post- divorce recovery and support
Parenting and co-parenting
Blended families
Divorce therapy can take place as individual therapy or as a couple.
New beginning are often disguised as painful endings
Lao Tzu